This week started with some very productive days!

First, Morten built an app that could connect to a Bluetooth 4.0 Heart Rate belt and send the heart rate via a socket connection to my ADHD Monitoring System.  Morten could use most of the code from our Race By Hearts app, which you should really check out if you like to compete with your training buddies in the gym!

Second, I turned a normal webcam into a motion sensor, by analysing each frame a look at how many pixels that were different from the previous frame. Right now it is a webcam, but I have programmed it so that it can be replaced by a Microsoft Kinect (if I can get my hands on one those cool things).

Unfortunately we still haven’t sent the letter to the parents, which means that I probably will have to change my milestones 🙁

So, instead of spending the week testing my system with children, I instead revisited my related work section of my thesis. I didn’t add much new stuff, but I feel that the time I spent (re-)writing was well spent.

Next week I will focus a little more on the theoretical part of my thesis (write write write) – and hopefully get an idea about when I can do my first test with children..


/Tobias Sonne