The ADHD monitoring system is pretty much done for now, I only need to make a few quality checks on the incoming data and change a few graphical things. One big unsolved issue, is that I still haven’t got any idea about how to process all the incoming sensor data, but I have arranged a meeting with Markus Wüstenberg, whom has agreed to help me understand the most basic of machine learning and sensor fusion. The meeting with Markus is on Wednesday, so I will need to spend Monday and Tuesday on reading up on ML.
The Thursday meeting went very well, and it was cool to see such an interest and willingness to help with my thesis. We have agreed to meet again in week 9, where I have promised to have a 100% working prototype ready to be demonstrated.
The goals for next week are:
- Read up on Machine Learning, and get an idea about how to use it in my thesis
- Test the ADHD monitoring system with 5 x DUL radios connected
- Improve the update rate from the Mindwave Mobile headset
- Improve / correct my paper to CHI 2013 based on the reviewers’ feedback.
- Make / sew some kind of holder for the DUL Radios, that can be adjusted to fit the different “sizes” of children.
- Add a mobile phone to my list of sensors in the ADHD monitoring system.
- Prepare for MySQL support
- Write a first draft about the ADHD monitoring system (2-3 pages)
- Read and write about interesting articles on Biofeedback.
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